How Easy is it To Switch Freight Forwarder

How Easy is it To Switch Freight Forwarder?

Lets start off with a question to ask yourself: What brought you to read this blog post?

Are you currently unhappy with your forwarder? Or maybe you’re content because switching sounds like too big of a hassle? Well.. You could be missing out on greater advantages if “content” is good enough for you. Maybe it is time to see how easy switching can be.

How Easy is it to Switch Forwarders?

Our team at Interlog USA conducted a research survey and found that 65% of people are unhappy with their current forwarders. We also came to a conclusion that companies continue to put up with their providers downfalls because it seems easier then going through another switching process.

The switching process is not as difficult as it seems. Think about what you have been burned with from your current situation, and factor it into new expectations going forward in the switching process. Understanding your internal requirements can help make the switching process easier. Once you have acknowledged what the new expectations are, here are 4 steps to bring you to the best forwarder to handle your shipments.

1) Start with Research

Researching potential freight forwarders is vital to an effective switching process. The internet is one of the most powerful tools which can tell you a lot about a company. Browsing through websites, blogs, and reviews provides many insights on what companies focus on and their own niches before even reaching out.

Any forwarder can say all the right things and promise to exceed your expectations, but how do you know what is true? Doing your own research leaves little room for forwarders to lock you into a bad deal. Take advantage of the internet and find exactly what you are looking for. A little research can lead you down the right path to forwarders who are not just trying to make another sale.

2) Have a Conversation

In the logistics industry, communication is everything. Not being on the same page with your forwarder can become a big deal. Often times, miscommunication is one of the reasons why people are unhappy with their current forwarder. So it’s time to get it right this time.

Just by having a simple conversation can show a lot about a company’s communication skills. This is the perfect time to ask about their experience with your specific shipping practices. While the information they provide is good insights on how they will handle your shipments, take notes on the way they are communicating to you. Do they seem interested in helping you find unique solutions for your shipments? Do they seem attentive to answer your questions? You can tell a lot about a company through their interaction so make sure to put that into account.

3) State Expectations

In our research results, Unmet expectations is one of the four major frustrations businesses deal with from their forwarders. Most often, they are not meeting the minimum expectations – leaving you frustrated. Now is the time before you even decide on a new forwarder to clearly state you expectations. Taking your current forwarders shortcomings and implementing new expectations from those issues will help guide you to a reliable forwarder. Not only is it important for you to state expectations but it is to understand the forwarders expectations as well.

Being on the same page allows both parties to work together and make sure all expectations are being met.

4) Slowly Switch Forwarders

Once you have compared all potential forwarders, you’re finally excited about the new found forwarder! But before jumping right into a new agreement, this step should be its own process. To keep your company from getting into the same situation you were just in with the previous forwarder, take baby steps.

Start the new forwarder with a couple shipments and see how you work with them. If they meet expectations and you’re happy with the results, slowly start shifting more and more shipments their way. Even though it might be a slower process, it provides a safety net. The last thing you want to do is get stuck in a contract with a new forwarder just to see nothing has changed. Take some time to make it right this time.


The switching process is not as scary as it may seem. Just like any other industry, switching will always have its risks. Understanding your current frustrations and implementing new expectations in a switching process puts you aside from all those who get stuck with the same results. Often times, companies will fire out as many RFQ’s as they can, and pick the cheapest quote. While money is a factor, you might actually end up having more expenses in the end. Learn to compare forwarders without RFQs. 

Our team at Interlog USA conducted a SHIELD Protocol that protects our customers from the four great burns in our industry. We value our customers and do not want them to ever feel content. Reach out to us! We would love to have a conversation or answer any questions you might have!



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